The end of September went out with one more art show in Starkville at the Cotton District Arts Festival. Honored and happy as always to be juried into a show, especially one that is so local to me. The show ran from September 18 through October 20, 2023, at the MSU Visual Arts Center and you can see the work HERE. And to be honest, after hustling to get pieces ready for two shows in a month I decided to sort of take it easy for October. Should I have been working and creating more? Sure, but Allie had her first homecoming dance (my momma heart just can’t take how cute she and her best friend were) and then Halloween and a harvest carnival at Chuch. So sometimes you gotta just roll with life. That’s how it is.
Photography gets harder in the afternoons when it gets dark so quickly after work.
So now October has slipped through my fingers, my birthday has come and gone on the 5th (hello 42), and to add insult to injury the clocks changed the 5th as well. Happy freaking birthday to me, just what I wanted a big dose of darkness at 4:45 in the afternoon. *pout*
Trying to play with light and angles.
But I do have to say that fall in Mississippi while normally fleeting has been absolutely beautiful this year. The rain finally came yesterday gentle but soaking and it was just what we all needed. November in general is one of my favorite months and not because it’s my birthday month but because normally it signals a cool down from summer temps, fall colors, and that beautiful buttery golden light that you only get in the fall here. The sunsets are absolutely spectacular and sitting outside is finally a pleasure once again. Hot coffee in the mornings and open doors in the afternoon. I just wish the light lasted a little longer, but such is life. Happy Friday friends.