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Southern Cooking with a dash of something new...

From the time I was a little girl my mother and grandmothers (and the men too - my Daddy makes a mean biscuit and my grandfather made some of the best pancakes ever) amazed me with what they created in their kitchens.  Every holiday was a celebration and and even a normal day could quickly turn exceptional depending on what came out of the oven. Because of the love and care I saw them put into their food I have always tried to cook and spoil my family the same way.  Most of my recipes are quick, easy, and most importantly delicious. Hope you find something to enjoy! (And if you do drop me a line? Would love to hear what you think!)

And, if you enjoy my recipes I have published my own cookbook! There is a print or an ebook version.  You can check that out HERE.


Easy Hummus 

Can a snack be good for you? What about a snack that’s a creamy dip for chips and veggies that packs in tons of fiber, protein, iron, antioxidants, and helps regulate blood sugar. Does such a healthy snack really exist? It does and it is super easy to make. I think you all are beginning to see a pattern to my recipes here. What I’m talking about is hummus.

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Asian Braised Drumsticks 

With the arrival of summer it's time for simple recipes in my part of the world.  I don't know about you but I am not interested in slaving over a hot stove when it's triple digits outside.  This recipe is a great change of pace if you're wanting something a little different and the left overs were awesome too!  Served with a little rice and steamed broccoli this is a quick, light meal and you probably already have everything you need to make it. So let's get cooking.

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Southwestern Sausage Drop Biscuits 

I hate I didn't get this out any sooner, it's one of my go to recipes when my husband says we've been invited to a party and need to take an appetizer.  I'm sure though there are still a couple of football/family/New Year functions that will be attended and if not I'm guilty of making these and eating them for breakfast during the week.  Super simple and a lot less trouble than traditional sausage balls these drop biscuits are delicious and oh so easy.