Just now posting this because I’m finally getting around to scanning this photobooth pic….
07/19/2022 - Hope Writers Prompt #19 "Grateful"
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary to be grateful is to be “appreciative of benefits received.” And as I sit here on a rainy Tuesday in July I truly do feel grateful.
I’m grateful for the simple things in my life like today’s rain because rain in Mississippi in July is always welcome. I’m grateful for weekend adventures to Tupelo with my main girl for Comic Cons, shopping, boba tea, and bad Chinese food from the mall food court. I’m grateful for good books to read and good music to listen to and my Keurig coffee maker Lazarus that keeps me in redneck lattes and iced coffee. I’m grateful for a husband that lets me be weird and junk up one of our extra bedrooms with art and sewing supplies and be creative as the spirit moves. He’s also the one that prompts me when I slack off on writing for our local newspaper. He’s the best publicist that a girl could ask for. (Even if it embarrasses me to death sometimes.)
I’m grateful for so many little things like afternoons at the lake, riding horses, and laughing at our dogs zoom around the yard. This really has been the best summer that I have had in years.
I’m also oh so very grateful for life changes. But we all know about that already ;)
And as always I’m grateful for those of you that take the time to read and support me. You’ll never know how much I love and appreciate each and every one of you. Have a great week sweet lovelies, you deserve it.