I still write a lot long hand and yes in cursive too
I’ve been writing on and off probably since I was in the 4th grade. Yes, I’m that weird kid that used to not only make up stories but wrote them down too. Ever since I understood what a writer or an author was I wanted to be one. I read voraciously as a kid normally reading at least 1 to 2 chapter books per week. I read obsessively for years and years and only slowed down due to college. I wish I had the time to read like that again, but I probably only manage to read one book every month or so. Reading has always been a way to keep my mind fresh and learning about new things all the time. I’m one of those people that when I like a book or an author I want to know everything related to it. Everything. I’m the world’s worst about falling down an internet research hole when I like something because I want to get into the author’s head at the time they wrote a particular book. I’m reading 1984 and I of course had to find a podcast about Orson Wells and now probably know way more about him than I ever really wanted to know. Reading good writing makes me want to write. Now, I know I’ll never be Orson Wells or Jane Austen or Laura Ingalls Wilder but I love to write and I find inspiration in every book I read. Here’s to good books and the time to read them. I’m hoping to find time to do more reading this year, and hopefully more writing.