Lana L. Pugh

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Sketching and Research

I hope you’re having a wonderful spring my lovelies. Time is ticking away this year. My daughters’s NINTH birthday is this coming Monday and I don’t even know where the time went.  Have no earthly idea. 

I feel like I spent an entire year sketching last year. I drew a lot. I experimented with paint and pencils and photos and writing and while it was fun and I have a journal and sketchbook or two filled with images and drawings and ideas and bits and pieces of words I don’t have any pieces of finished artwork to show. But maybe sometimes that’s just the process.  Creativity and art doesn’t follow a linear progression at times. It’s not a math problem where x (amount of work) + y (amount of time) = success.  It’s more like a web where the intersection of preperation and hard work mixed with a small dose of serendipity produces something beautiful or profound. I do want to make a finished work this year. I have a long term project I’ve been making progress on slowly but surely but I also have some ideas for paintings and prints I would like to do. Just know I’ve not abandonded this space. I’ve just been creating away from the internet. Creating special things I’ve held close to my chest while asking the question do I dare?