Lana L. Pugh

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Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! Congrats on the new job! Congrats on the new house! You got all A’s on your report card?! Got all my voicemails returned today! Life is divided between the big moments and the small everyday moments and each one is a reason to celebrate. More and more the reason to celebrate gets a little more important to me. Even if it’s just a cup of tea at the end of an exceptionally long day or a glass of champagne just because. Honestly, I don’t need a reason for a glass of champagne, that stuff is delicious and makes you feel fancy and special. We all need a little reason to feel good, especially in the times we find ourselves in. I can’t imagine what sort of swamp witch I would look like if I had been working from home since spring of last year. My nine to five is the only reason that makeup is ever applied to my face and my hair is ever styled into anything other than a loose bun or a braid. As much as I would love to work from home at least my day job makes me get up and get dressed in the morning and that in and of itself is a treat sometimes. I’ve also been trying to be better to myself as I get older. I don’t take the time for a spa night very often but when I do I go all out - clay mask, deep skin cleansing, moisturizing paper mask, foot soak and pedicure, oil treatment for my hair, bubble bath, the absolute works. And every time I always think to myself why don’t I do this more often? Why don’t I learn to celebrate myself more? I’m a hard-working woman. Don’t I deserve it? As women, we often don’t take the time to appreciate and take care of ourselves and I’m a fine shining example of this. I take quick showers, I stay up too late, I drink entirely too much coffee and caffeine in general, and love food more than I should. Heck, I only started using a moisturizer in my mid 30s. Long story short I don’t take care of myself as I should, there’s always more important stuff to do than indulging myself. But that is important. Celebrating yourself is so important. Self-care and taking time for yourself is even more important as you get older. Now I’m not saying be selfish of course, but learn to love yourself. Learn that it’s okay to be proud of yourself, take time for yourself, and celebrate the smallest things. Joy in any form is always a good thing.

And that’s it for me. I’m two days late, but I finished the writing challenge! If you want to read the other entries in this series, please see the links below. Thanks so much for following along!

Day 1: New You

Day 2: Progress

Day 3: Shine

Day 4: Twenty-One

Day 5: Fresh

Day 6: Rhythm