Lana L. Pugh

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Wordless Wednesday - College Woodcut

Woodcut A.P. (artist proof) 04/2002

Wordless Wednesday - College Woodcut

Ok, again a not so wordless Wednesday. Maybe I should come up with a different title for these posts….hmmm…

I still have some of my college work, with most of it being photography (I really need to collect all that together somehow.)

One class outside of photography I really enjoyed was printmaking. I think it was the tactile nature of the class I loved and the fact that I got to use tools and carve and things didn’t have to be hyper-realistic if you didn’t exactly want them to be. It’s one of my few foundation classes from which I have good memories. (My drawing I and II and Design I and II classes were absolute CRAP. Sorry Professors! What can I say? I had no formal training, had jumped into the deep end of the pool, and most days required rescuing and resuscitation.)

The print above was a quick little run of prints that I did with scrap paper from other projects and leftover ink from my class assignment. I’ve always been obsessed with Celtic knots and actually wear a silver Celtic band ring just about every day. I love the history and meaning of Celtic knotwork and this was a little personal piece that I made for me just to make me happy. Never even showed it to the professor and only one friend even knew I had made them. These were just for me.

Want to see some other old printmaking stuff? Just let me know in the comments below. Later my lovelies!