Lana L. Pugh

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Maudlin Thoughts Approaching 

Sitting in my local coffee shop, sipping a black iced house coffee (Columbian for those that care) and have just finally sent all our tax stuff off to our preparer.  It’s an amazing world we live in that I can scan and email our tax info to someone in another state and she will work it up, file it, and we can then sign and pay electronically. A strange world we live in indeed.  

I’m having one of those days were my mood swings from introspective, to hopeful, and then to maudlin all in the stroke of a second hand. Maybe my play list needs adjusted, who knows. Maybe I really, really need a day off to just read and take pictures and drive around with the windows down in a Dodge truck while the countryside rolls by in either side mirror. Maybe I just need a long ride on a good horse looking at pretty country. 

Honestly I probably need all of the above. 

Maybe I just need a beer. 

I long for the days of school winding down for the summer.  Every night, and I do mean every night we do homework, study for a test or quiz or a test and a quiz the next day and to be honest it’s been 30 years since I was in 3rd grade and I found it tedious then and doubly so now.  Allie is burnt out at this point and it’s a struggle to keep the both of us motivated and focused on the work.  More especially when there’s dogs to play with and horses to ride and the great wide open has put on new leaves, fresh grass, blue skies, and begs for us to go out there and enjoy it. But school will end sooner than later. Hopefully soon we’ll see the sunset from the back of a horse and lay in the grass while the dogs run laps in the yard.  All very good things to look forward to, very good things. 

Wherever you are I hope you find a moment of happiness today. I hope that life isn’t too overwhelming. I hope that you have someone who loves you unconditionally. I hope that you love yourself unconditionally. I hope you have someone special in your life you love unconditionally. 

And know this, I love you. 

Happy Thursday, friends. It’s almost the finish line and we can make it. Go listen to “Spring Day” by BTS if you need some hope. It’s playing currently while I write. Until next time, my lovelies.